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Message to 2022 Graduates from Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary: Travel Makes the World and Life More Beautiful

2022-06-20 17:40:28

Travel Makes the World and Life More Beautiful


——Message to 2022 Graduates


Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary


(June 20, 2022)

Dear students, parents, alumni and friends:


Good morning!


Amid the song of farewell, young people embark on a long journey. Today, we gather here to hold a grand graduation ceremony for 2022 graduates. Together with 6863 graduates, we pay a tribute to youth, passion, hard work and persistence! I would like to take this opportunity to warmly graduate all students on graduating successfully and opening up a new chapter in their life! I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all parents for their long-standing care, support and company!


All students, please dedicate your warmest applause to your parents and teachers.


Although the campus life is only a short period of time, we have cultivated a deep and eternal feeling for HUTB. I saw the acknowledgement in a student’s graduation thesis, which reads “I would like to thank HUTB for building so many quality academies where I developed the habit of study. I will never forget the delicious food in 711 convenience store, Starbucks, Xiangban and Modern China Tea Shop! I really feel happy to have read nice books and eat nice food here! ”


A student said, “I have been riding on the school bus for four years. The experience is great. If someone asks me for review, I have to say that it must be five stars!”


A student said, “It is my honor to have studied in HUTB as it changes rapidly and advances in a large stride. I cherish each and every moment here. It is HUTB that helps me develop a habit of excellence, diligence and culture. Unfortunately, I am yet to ride on Metro Line 6. Unfortunately, I am yet to cross the new bridge on Tongzipo Road, because it is still under construction. This might offer an opportunity to reunite with HUTB in the future.” Dear students, as HUTB is on the up, will you come back often?


A student said emotionally, “HUTB, you are my white moonlight. Shall I compare you to a spring day!”


I want to say to all students and alumni on behalf of all teachers: I miss you like spring breeze!


HUTB will love you forever!


Dear students,

As time flies, travel is of great significance in youth. From Beijin in the north to Lingnan in the south, from Chufeng Veranda to Xiande Park, from Creativity Workshop to Rixin Building, we have travelled between physical spaces. A space where we have travelled hundreds or even thousands of times is called home. Regardless of the thousands of miles we have travelled, home is always where we end our journey.


Having travelled for so many times, we start to fall in love with HUTB. I hope this love will last forever!


From naivety to maturity, from ignorance to firmness, from dependence to independence, we have travelled between mental spaces. Travel enriches our experience and facilitates our growth. After travelling for hundreds and thousands of days, we arrive at the prime of life. After going through endless things, growth is the best gift we have at last.


After going through all this, we become heartfelt. This means we must do the best we can!


Youth is the most beautiful time of life. Travel makes you spirited and beautiful:


As we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, you profess your devotion to the homeland with youth, consciously listen to the party, follow the party firmly, cultivate deep patriotic feelings, and inherit the red gene. We love the way you adhere to your faith steadfastly!


Liu Gengchen, Yan Chuhan and Zuo Huiting won the special prize of “Challenge Cup” and the first prize of Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. We have seen a rising level and number of awards our students won in various discipline competitions. We love the way you pursue excellence!


Lv Sijian published 16 high-level papers during graduate study, and obtained 12 utility model patents and software copyrights. Wu Yuhan published a book totaling 200000 words during graduate study. Long Lilin established an e-commerce brand during study, which reached a business volume of more than RMB 5 million in just half a year. Zhou Ziying, in addition to achieving excellent academic performance, won the provincial tennis championship many times, and ranked top three in the national competition. We love the way you strive to make outstanding achievements!


You experienced life with heart and light of civilization in the “Sanxiaxiang Program”, internship practice and volunteer services. We love the way you love life with the down-to-earth attitudes!


You studied hard in the ten academies, made bold attempts in the innovation and entrepreneurship platform at national level, sought and explored truth in the frontier laboratories, carried out cooperation to tackle key problems, got along with people with the polite and generous attitudes, indulged in literary and artistic activities, and displayed a bright and brave spirit on the playing field. I take pride in the beauty of ideal, the beauty of struggle, the beauty of innovation, the beauty of civilization, the beauty of confidence and the beauty of health!


Of course, it is by no means an easy journey. Because of COVID-19, HUTB was closed. You had to stay home to study online. After going through these difficulties, you understand that the life journey is not only accompanied by flowers, but also beset with brambles. However, there is always a silver lining in life. You can survive the difficulties as long as you persevere! You also understand that our homeland has you back! I praise your ability to persevere while considering the overall interests!


Because of you participation and contributions, HUTB is embarking on a new journey of building an innovative, first-class technology and business university with distinctive characteristics! Because of you participation and contributions, HUTB now stands on a new, higher starting point and is more confident about its future development than before!


I acclaim the combination of “Youth Dream” and “HUTB Dream”!


Dear students, life is full of journeys. Now you will embark on a new one. Some of you will be stationed in the border area, bear in mind the principle “serve China with clear love”, and spend the rest of their life in guarding the territorial sovereignty. Some of you will work on the front line of rural vitalization, connect villages using feet, and contribute their wisdom to building the rural area into a beautiful place. Some of you will explore “bottleneck” technologies and “no man’s land” in innovation, and strive to be self-reliant and strong. Some of you will take root in western communities, and make great contributions at ordinary positions. Each and every one of you will be high-spirited and resolute in pursuing your dream!


Life is a travel. Although future is full of uncertainties, it is certain that we will keep travelling. Only by travelling can we get rid of the limits of life and make all choices, imaginations and attempts vigorous.


Facing future, I think we must maintain a moderate degree of worry. With the worsening global turbulence and the constant occurrence of conflicts and crises, no one can keep out of the affair. Facing all of you, I am confident in the bottom of my heart, because you get everything ready, have unlimited potentials, endow future with hope, and make the world a better place!


Dear students, the journey of life is a lifelong practice. I have some words to share with you.


First, I hope you aim high, and live up to the expectations of the state and people.


President Xi Jinping said to young people, “measure the land of the motherland with your feet, discover the Chinese spirit with your eyes, listen to the voice of the people with your ears, feel the pulse of the times with your heart”. This is always the direction for your travel and action.


Young Mao Zedong said, “This land under heaven is ours. This country is ours. This society is ours. If we do not speak out, who will? If we do not act, who will?” This is the ideal of “be moral, run the family, moralize the country and appease the world” and the responsibility of “everyone should be concerned about the rise and fall of the world”. “After a hundred years of struggle, the party led our people to write the most magnificent epic in the thousands of years of history of the Chinese nation.” Young people advance wave upon wave one generation after another, playing an earthshaking hymn of life.


Despite continued changes of era, we must carry forward the mission. It is social prosperity, national rejuvenation and happy life that guide contemporary youth’s aspiration and action. History and reality tell us that only by struggling, advancing and dreaming together with our motherland and people can our youth and life become more beautiful! The combination of everyone’s ideals will shine over China. As we defy hardship and danger while pursuing our ideals, our life will become dazzling!


To struggle for ideals is the happiest thing in the world. I hope all students can keep your ideals shining, stay true to your dreams, be optimistic, work hard, be passionate, and never stop struggling. Please remember that on the journey of life, we should give top priority to the interests of home and state, and love the state and people forever! It is the spirit of making tenacious struggles and sacrificing our lives to our homeland and people that makes our life rich, warm, durable and regretless!


Second, I hope all of you will travel with a guide.


The line of a song goes like “I once dreamed of travelling around the world with a sword to see how bustling it is.” As all of you are about to “travel around the world”, have you prepared your sword? In my opinion, the “sword” is not a physical object. It refers to the foundation of accomplishment.


Please keep studying wherever you go, because study is the “passport” leading to a bright future. In this era of rapid update of knowledge and accelerated iteration of technology, we will fall behind the ranks if we do not study. We cannot stop our organs from ageing, but we must prevent the degradation of knowledge and rigidity of thought. We cannot keep ourselves from looking young forever, but we can maintain a young spirit. I hope all students will study as long as you live, and develop a “hardcore” through study! I hope you will enrich yourselves and stay young through study!


Please do solid work wherever you go, because solid work is the “key” to success. President Xi Jinping said, “Achievements come from work. Only by doing solid work can we make real achievements.” I hope all students will base your dreams on labor and build a bright future with solid work. I hope you can carry forward the spirit of model worker, the spirit of labor and the spirit of craftsmanship, love and go deep into you job, achieve first-class results, and compete for No.1. I hope all of you will make remarkable achievements with solid work, and open up a new chapter in your life!


Please pursue what you love wherever you go, because what you love is the “chip” towards romance. Romain Rolland said, “There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” Love is a shining star in the dark night. Only with this start in our heart can our life be bright. Only with love can we withstand the hardship of times. I hope all of you will love lively and independently, love yourselves, love others, love your life, love the Sun, the Moon and the stars, and lead an enthusiastic and romantic life!


Third, I hope all of you will establish a bottom line and be upright.


A movie line goes like “There are thousands of roads, but safety is the top priority.” Only by travelling safely can we travel far. The life journey is full of temptations. Greed is like a tiger. “If you can't control your heart, how can you defeat the objective world?” I hope all of you will lead a moral life, speak according to rules, act with a bottom line, and always be upright and clean.


To be an upright person, we should keep ourselves in awe. I hope all of you will revere the heaven and earth, life, Nature, rules and morality, feel your mood with a cautious attitude, bear sacred responsibilities, and maintain steady and sustained development!


To be an upright person, we should be strict with ourselves. I hope all of you will stay away from “high-voltage lines”, “picket lines” and “isolation lines”, study, be aware of and abide by laws, establish a healthy view of interests, purify your own “social circle” and “life circle”, be friends with a good and moral person, develop a tolerance for solitude, stand the test, and stay honest and upright forever!


To be an upright person, we should lead a simple life. The simpler a person is, the easier it is to make the soul purer, make the spirit more positive, make the mind clearer, make the love long-lasting, and make the life richer. I hope all students will render your simple life lively and colorful, and sing a song of happiness with a simple and peaceful mind!


Dear students, as long as you have your dreams in mind, dare to embark on the new journey. If you choose to start out, please keep on going regardless of trials and hardships. “You must make each and every decision on your own in life. Even if you only take half a step, you can enter a broad world as long as you keep walking.” As long as you keep travelling, there is no distant place that cannot be reached!


I hope all of you will stay ambitious, morally integrated, confident, talented, vigorous and friendly. I hope all of you will hone your skills diligently, laugh off numerous hardships, and grow up to be a useful person! I hope all of you will achieve success in selfless struggles, meet with rainbow in persistent work, shine in trials and hardships, stay true to your dreams, be kind-hearted, be full of confidence, be knowledgeable, maintain moral integrity, stay staunch, always smile, keep shining, and become what you want to be!


Please remember: as long as you have a bright future, the future of HUTB will not get dark; as long as you make remarkable achievements, HUTB will not be mediocre; as long as you move forward, HUTB will not stop advancing! As long as you cultivate moral integrity, seek truth, pursue innovation and work hard, HUTB will develop into a first-class, innovative, excellent technology and business university with outstanding contributions!


As long as you respond to the demand of the times, our country will become a great modern socialist country!


Dear students, a real traveler’s province is boundless. Please bear in mind our motto of “Sincerity & Credibility; Pragmatism & Innovation”, and pick up the baton of history:


Start off towards future dreams and eternal love!


Start off towards a valuable and regretless life!


Start off towards a more beautiful world!


HUTB will be proud of you! Don’t forget to come back for concerts, be it rock’n’roll, folk or symphony! You decide! I wish you live a shining, magnanimous and happy life!

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