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Notice on the 119th Lushan Lecture: Road of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of CRCHI

2021-11-29 08:28:21

Subject: Road of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of CRCHI

Speaker: Chairman Liu Feixiang

Time: 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Location: Lecture Hall of Economic Management Complex


Speaker’s Profile:


Liu Feixiang, senior engineer and an expert in the design and technical management of underground engineering equipment, currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of CRCHI, the Director of Enterprise Technology Center, the deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, the Vice President of China Construction Machinery Association, and the Chairman of Applied Graphics Branch of China Graphics Society, and one of the leaders in independent research and industrial application of underground engineering equipment in China; he has been engaged in tackling key problems of "bottleneck" technology of underground engineering equipment and digital technology of key links in the whole life cycle of equipment for a long time, put forward the management mode of all-factor digital intelligence empowerment for the complex equipment, built the world's largest high-end industrial base of underground engineering equipment, and promoted the complete autonomy and industrialization of tunnel equipment in China. He has won 8 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, 1 Chinese patent gold award, and more than 100 authorized invention patents, published 1 monograph, and successively won honors such as "National Model Worker", "National May 1st Labor Medal", "Model of Central Enterprises", "Hunan Guangzhao Science and Technology Award" and "The Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker in Hunan Province".

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